For Educational Institutions and Students,

We are in the process of buidling resources for students who would love to further improve and enhance their leadership skills in the form of booklets, DVD programs, audio CDs, Seminar tickets and Ezine membership. These programs are priced minimally keeping the students budget in mind. Bulk order request maybe provided at a wholesale rate to educational institutions. Some of the designed programs are:

  1. Personal Leadership for students 1 Day Seminar DVD. Rs.250
  2. Personal Leadership for students 1 Day Seminar Audio CD. Rs.150
  3. Corporate Leadership Readiness Program 5 DVDs set. Rs.1200
  4. Communication Skill Modules DVD. Rs. 500

The Corporate Leadeship Readiness Program includes courses on:

  1. Personal Leadership for students 1 Day Seminar DVD. Rs.250
  2. Stress Management
  3. Time Management
  4. Presentation Skill
  5. Basic Communication Skills
  6. Team Skill
  7. Interview Skill
  8. Group Discussion
  9. Personal Grooming Basics.
  10. Intro to Corporate Culture

The Communication Skill Modules includes:

  1. Basic Spoken English
  2. Accent Neutralization

The Ezine Suscription comes at Rs.240 annually: 

  • The Ezine is sent out twice monthly to subscribers who will have access to multiple, relevant articles and tips to enhance leadership skills. There will be free relevant videos, blogs referred to. The subsciption fee is also used for conducting one free student seminar in a year to students who cant afford attending other seminars or buying resources from us.
  • And as sponsorers you are entitled to come and support us with your participance and bring in other students who would really benefit from the program. This seminar is targetted to mostly less fortunate students financially.